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March 18, 2024

5 mins read

15 Frequently Asked Questions About Moniepoint USSD Code Answered!

by Chidinma Nwonye

Enjoy offline banking on point.

The Moniepoint USSD code *5573# allows you to easily perform your quick, secure, reliable, and convenient financial operations, simply dial Moniepoint's USSD code *5573# with your registered phone number. 

moniepoint ussd.jpg

Now, let’s answer some questions you might have concerning the Moniepoint USSD code and its functions.

1. Does Moniepoint have a USSD Code?

Yes, the Moniepoint USSD code is *5573#. You can use it to perform the following transactions:

  • Transfers

  • Buy airtime for yourself and others.

  • Buy data for yourself and others.

  • Check account details and balance.

  • Block/Unblock accounts for self and others.

  • Change the user PIN.

  • Get and see OTPs.

  • Get usernames.

2. Will I be affected as an existing customer?

You can enable the USSD channel from your mobile/web applications via settings as an existing customer. You will need to authorise this action using your user PIN.

3. Will everyone with my phone have access to my private information?

No, any sensitive operation (seeing the balance, performing any kind of transaction, changing the user PIN, etc.) will need to be authorised through the user PIN.

4. What if I see a message telling me that the channel is not enabled after trying to dial the USSD code?

The channel can be enabled from either the mobile application (business or personal) or the web app.

  • On the mobile apps, click on your profile picture  -> Click on settings -> Turn on the USSD Banking feature.

  • On the web app, click the settings icon -> security tab -> USSD banking toggle.

Note that enabling/disabling the channel requires PIN authorisation.

5. What if I see a message telling me that I don't have a Moniepoint account even though I do?

Make sure you dial the USSD code from your registered mobile number with your account; this could happen when you dial the USSD code from an unregistered mobile number.

6. How do I transfer money with USSD?

You can transfer money from your Moniepoint Personal or Business account by dialling *5573#.

7. Can I disable the USSD channel after enabling it?

Yes, you can always enable/disable the channel from the settings pages in the personal & business applications and on the web application.

8. What if I don't see all my Moniepoint accounts in the list of accounts?

If you have chosen to use a different phone number during your onboarding experience (onboarding from business to personal or vice versa), that will affect the accounts you see when you use the phone number to dial the USSD code.

For example, a user already has a Moinepoint business profile and account using a particular phone number.

If he/she uses it to log into the personal app and chooses an entirely different phone number instead for their personal use, dialling the USSD code with the original phone number will only allow them to see their business account(s), while dialling the USSD code with phone number B will allow them to see only their personal account.

9. Can I block my own account(s)?

Yes, you can by dialling the USSD code *5577*911# from your phone number and choosing the 
Stop Debit transactions” and then “for yourself” options, which will prompt you to enter your user PIN. If verified successfully, it will block all your Moniepoint accounts (business, personal, and business owner accounts).

10. What if my phone was stolen, and I don’t have access to the SIM? 

You can still block your account(s) if you have a friend/family member with access to the Moniepoint USSD channel. All you/they have to do is dial the same USSD code ( *5577*911#)choosing the 
Stop Debit transactions” and “for others” options, then provide the phone number or account number of the intended user whose accounts are to be blocked. 

You/they will be asked to provide the user PIN for the account(s) owner, not the owner of the channel(phone). If verified successfully, this will block all your Moniepoint accounts (business, personal, and business owner accounts).

11. Can I unblock my account(s)?

At any point the user who blocked the account(s) (whether they were their own accounts or others) is the only user who can unblock the accounts back.

12. Can I open a new Moniepoint account using USSD?

Not yet, but this will be available soon.

13. How much would it cost to use USSD?

Dialling the Moniepoint USSD code *5573# doesn't cost anything.

14. What are the shortcodes for all services on USSD?

You can access the specific flow by dialling the main USSD code *5573# and selecting the relevant flow from the main menu or dialling a slightly extended code that can directly lead you to the needed flow. The available direct codes include:

Check balance and account details


Transfer to Moniepoint

*5573*1*Amount*Account Number#

Transfer to other banks

*5573*2*Amount*Account Number#

Buy Airtime (SELF)


Buy Airtime (OTHERS)

*5573*Amount*Phone Number#

Buy Data


Reset user PIN




Block account


Forgot username


Get OTP (signup)


15. What are the limits for USSD transactions?

The various USSD functions and their limits include;

  • Transfer Single limit: 20,000

  • Transfer daily cumulative limit: 100,000

  • Airtime single and daily limit: 10,000

  • Data single and daily limit: 10,000


With the Moniepoint USSD code, you get to experience convenient, reliable, speedy, and secure offline transactions anywhere, anytime.

Simply download the Moniepoint Personal or Business banking app, activate the USSD feature on the app settings, and enjoy banking on point.

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